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National 673 As-Is

Filter Paper Brew System.
Sure Vend Delivery System, Credit Card Capable, MDB, $1


As-Is National 673 Coffee Vending Machine W/Filter Paper & Dual Cup Systems,  Card Capable, MDB, DEX, Electronic Product Door open/close, Two cup sizes

Save $2K by refurbishing the machine yourself. A coffee machine must be refurbished after it is taken off location & prior to being put back on location. If you buy this machine, it is your job to do that.

Exact Machines pictured (quantity for sale - 2 machines): Serial #'s 677-010828677-010827. Both 677 (grinder) machines were converted to loose ground (673). See interior pictures. 

The machine has a filter paper system like at home for each cup brewed for much better taste. 

The main board, relay board, led display board, interface board, validator, and coin changer are sold working. All components listed come with a 30day warranty.

The balance of the machine is sold Wiped Down and As-Is. It is the buyer's responsibility to refurbish the machine into location ready status. if you are unable to do this, the N673 coffee machine is offered refurbished for $3695 on our site. 

The machine is dual cup (8 & 12oz. cups). Two front graphic options. It vends three international coffee flavors (e.g. French vanilla, cappuccino), one hot chocolate flavor, cream, sugar, sweet & low, and cafe mocha (chocolate & coffee). The machine has a whipper motor for each flavored coffee and hot chocolate product.
